Atul Mathur is an ACTA (Advanced Certificate in Training and Assessment) certified trainer with over eight years of experience in training and teaching. He has conducted over 50 public workshops/corporate training programmes/teaching sessions. He has been a guest faculty at the BCA Academy, the James Cook University and the SIM University.
Universities / educational / training institutions
BCA Academy
Global Indian International School (GIIS), Singapore
James Cook University (JCU), Singapore
SIM University
Professional / industry associations
Association of Professional Trainers, Singapore
Society of Technical Communicators (STC), Singapore
Sustainable Energy Association of Singapore (SEAS)
Public sector
National Community Leadership Institute (NACLI), Singapore
ISPE (International Society for Pharmaceutical Engineering), Singapore
ACREX (Air Conditioning, Ventilation, Refrigeration and Building Services exhibition), India
Public talk in a career exhibition at Suntec City, Singapore
Public talks in libraries
Public workshops in Singapore Botanical Gardens
Public workshops with participants from different organisations